Are Dwarf Gouramis Bottom Dwellers? (Explained)

Dwarf Gouramis are a popular fish for both beginner and experienced aquarists alike. They are easy to care for and come in a range of beautiful colors. But what many people don’t know is that Dwarf Gouramis are bottom dwellers, meaning they prefer to live near the bottom of the tank.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the habits of Dwarf Gouramis and discuss some ways to create an environment that will make them feel right at home.

What does it mean for a fish to be a bottom dweller?

Most Dwarf Gouramis are naturally inclined to spend the majority of their time near the bottom of the tank, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they won’t swim around in other areas. If you decide to add some live plants to your tank, your Dwarf Gourami may spend a lot of time near the base of those plants.

It’s important to note that this is not true for every single Dwarf Gourami out there. If you have a particularly shy or stressed fish, it may avoid swimming around as much as other Dwarf Gouramis would. It can be hard to predict whether or not a Dwarf Gourami will be a bottom dweller, but if you do decide to get one then you should provide an environment that allows for them to spend the majority of their time near the bottom.

What type of tank should I use?

There are many different types of aquariums out there and choosing one can be difficult. Dwarf Gouramis are generally found in small, tropical tanks that contain a heater and filter. All of these components are important for the health of your fish so it’s not recommended to try simplifying this setup.

Tank Size

As with most types of aquariums, bigger is always better when trying to accommodate a bottom-dwelling fish. Dwarf Gouramis are used to living in small spaces that are often overcrowded with other fish and plants, so providing them with a larger area will make them much more comfortable. However, Dwarf Gouramis can’t be expected to live in tiny one-gallon tanks forever; if you do end up using a small tank, don’t add too many other fish and always check the water quality to keep your pets happy and healthy. You can read more about what size tank you should use for your Dwarf Gouramis here .

What type of substrate should I use?

Substrate is the material that goes on the bottom of the aquarium to create a “floor” for your fish. There are many different types of substrates to choose from, but generally, you want to avoid anything that is too rough or sharp. This can injure your Dwarf Gouramis’ sensitive barbels (whiskers) which will make it very uncomfortable.

The best substrate for a bottom-dwelling fish is a smooth, flat one that doesn’t have any sharp edges. You can read more about the different aquarium substrates and which you should use here .

What type of plants should I use?

Dwarf Gouramis will feel much more at ease if they can hide under live plants. They may spend time near other spots in the aquarium, but live plants will generally encourage them to spend most of their time underneath. They like this because it provides them with a sense of security and shelter.

Live plants are an especially good choice for bottom-dwelling fish because they don’t have any sharp edges that can hurt your pets. Dwarf Gouramis will often rest in the base of live plants, but they will also move in and out depending on their mood.

What kind of tank decorations should I use?

Dwarf Gouramis are very shy fish that become stressed very easily, so tank decorations that are too busy or flashy can stress them out. The best tank decorations for these types of fish are simple ornaments that provide hiding places instead of visual stimulation.

Live plants can provide your Dwarf Gourami with a lot of visual cover, but rocks and driftwood are also great options. You should decorate the tank in a way that provides your pet with enough hiding spots to feel comfortable while keeping it simple enough for your fish to adapt to.

How many fish can I keep together?

As with most types of aquariums, you shouldn’t overcrowd your Dwarf Gourami tank. Dwarf Gouramis don’t do well when there are too many other fish in their environment because it makes them feel stressed and insecure. While they will generally get along with most other types of small community fish, you should always make sure that the tank is big enough to accommodate everyone.

How often do I need to change the water?

Water changes are extremely important for maintaining a healthy aquarium, but you can’t quickly change all of the water in your tank at once. To help prevent your Dwarf Gourami from being shocked by the sudden difference between old and new water, it’s best to change a little bit at a time.

A good rule of thumb is to change about 25% of the water each week so your fish have plenty of time to get used to the difference in temperature and pH levels. You can read more about how often you should change your tank’s water here.

What type of filter should I use?

Dwarf Gouramis are very sensitive fish that need a stable environment to live in, so it’s important to provide them with the best equipment possible. A good filter is one of the most effective ways to keep your tank clean and healthy, but you don’t want your pet to be exposed to any sharp or rough edges on the filter’s intake.

A great choice is an external canister filter that has a smooth intake tube that won’t harm your fish. You should position the intake tube in such a way that it provides your Dwarf Gourami with plenty of space to get away if it feels uncomfortable.

What type of water conditioner should I use?

There is nothing wrong with using tap water for your Dwarf Gourami tank, but you should always condition it before putting it in the aquarium. You can condition your water yourself or buy a product like Seachem Prime which will automatically balance your water’s pH and remove chlorines and heavy metals for you.

It’s very important to make sure the conditioner you use is free of any harmful chemicals or additives. It’s best to avoid using products that contain algaecides or antibiotics because they can build up in your tank and become toxic for your fish.


Bottom dwellers are aquatic creatures that live on the bottom of a body of water. Many people assume that dwarf gouramis do not belong to this category, but they spend most of their time at the bottom

This is because these fish feed mostly on algae and other small organisms found there. They also enjoy spending some time in vegetation near the top layer of the tank as well as swimming around for fun!