Are Dwarf Gouramis Compatible with Bettas? Comparison

Are you curious if dwarf gouramis are compatible with bettas? Wonder no more! In this blog post, we’ll explore the compatibility of these two fish and provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether or not to add dwarf gourami to your betta tank. So read on to learn more!

Dwarf gourami compatibility isn’t quite cut-and-dry. As you’ll learn in this article, dwarf gouramis are generally compatible with bettas. However, there are a couple of other factors that could come into play and prevent them from coexisting together peacefully. These include the following:

Are Dwarf Gouramis Aggressive?

Male bettas are known to be aggressive towards each other, especially when put in cramped conditions with little to no territory. Dwarf gouramis are also known for being aggressive. The good news is that dwarf gouramis are usually not very aggressive towards other fish species, including male bettas. The bad news is that male bettas are notoriously aggressive, even towards other fish species!

Dwarf gouramis can be quite territorial. Unfortunately for your dwarf gourami, the best territory to claim as its own is right smack-dab in the middle of your betta tank. This means that your betta might view your dwarf gourami as an intruder and fight to protect its territory.

If you want to avoid any conflicts between your betta and dwarf gourami, it’s probably best not to place them in the same tank together. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a tank with a lot of action and don’t mind a little bit of aggression, you might want to keep both your betta and your dwarf gourami in the same tank.

Dwarf Gouramis are Herbivores

Dwarf gouramis are primarily herbivorous fish, so it’s best to feed them a flake food that contains a lot of plant matter. Their digestive tracts are specifically designed for processing plant matter. 

This is good news for your other fish tank mates who want to eat algae off the aquarium glass or decorations. However, this isn’t very helpful when it comes to most bettas, who are carnivores. There’s a fairly good chance that your betta will not be able to eat the same foods as your dwarf gourami.

Dwarf Gouramis Require Big Tanks

As you can probably guess from their name, dwarf gouramis are fairly small in their natural habitat. Dwarf gouramis are known to grow up to 3 inches long. They are also not very active swimmers, so they don’t need a whole lot of space in order to thrive.

A small 5 gallon aquarium will usually do just fine for housing your dwarf gourami! This is good news if you have limited space for your betta tank. It’s also good news if you plan on purchasing multiple dwarf gouramis to keep each other company or to make your aquarium more lively.

On the other hand, most betta species grow up to be larger than 3 inches long and are very active swimmers. If they don’t have enough space in their tank, this can cause unnecessary stress for your betta. For this reason, it’s best to keep your betta in a tank that is at least 10 gallons.

In Conclusion

Dwarf gouramis are generally compatible with bettas because they are not very aggressive and do not require a lot of space. However, male bettas will still be able to bully them around and may have a hard time finding the same foods. 

Also, dwarf gouramis are herbivorous fish while most bettas are carnivores. While your dwarf gourami may be able to get by on flake food from your local pet store, it’s best to supplement its diet with some live or freeze-dried bloodworms for your betta.

So, can you keep a betta and a dwarf gourami together in the same tank? Yes, you probably can! However, if you’d like to do so successfully, it’s best to ask yourself the following questions:

  •       Can I provide enough space for both fish?
  •        Will my betta view my dwarf gourami as a competitor and attack it?
  •        Can my betta eat the same foods as my dwarf gourami?

If you can answer “yes” to these questions, then your betta and your dwarf gourami should be able to live together in peace! However, if any of these questions makes you hesitate, then it’s probably best to keep your betta and dwarf gourami in separate tanks.