Are Dwarf Gouramis Easy to Breed? 3 Facts

Dwarf gouramis are extremely easy to breed, making them a great choice for beginning fishkeepers. They typically spawn in batches of 50-100 eggs, and the fry is large and robust enough to survive on their own soon after hatching.

If you’re interested in breeding dwarf gouramis, here’s everything you need to know!


Dwarf gouramis are not very picky when it comes to spawning. They will readily spawn in a community tank filled with small, non-aggressive fish. To get your dwarf gouramis in the mood, you can try simulating a new moon or simply turning off the aquarium lights at night.

It’s also a good idea to provide dense plant cover and plenty of calcium in the water (such as by adding crushed oyster shells). When your dwarf gouramis appear ready to spawn, they will begin courting with elaborate “dances” that involve bobbing their heads and flaring their fins.

If you aren’t able to see a spawning attempt, it’s a good idea to purchase a pair of dwarf gouramis from the same batch. Since they have been raised together at the store, chances are they will spawn sooner or later!

Incubation and Fry Care

Dwarf gourami eggs typically hatch within 48 hours of being laid. You can tell that the eggs have hatched when you start to see tiny bubbles in the area of the spawning site.

The fry of dwarf gouramis are large and robust enough to survive on their own soon after hatching, but they still need special care if they want to grow quickly and stay healthy. The most important part of raising your baby dwarf gouramis is keeping the water clean.

A weekly 50% water change with a gravel siphon should do the trick. If you want to speed up the process, consider adding a couple of hardy danios or other small fish to your dwarf gourami tank. These fish will scavenge leftover food for the baby dwarf gouramis!

Raising the fry indoors is ideal, but if you plan on releasing them into your community aquarium once they’re big enough, you will need to provide a second tank for them. After they’ve reached an inch in size, it is safe to add them back into your aquarium.

Stress and Diseases

Dwarf gouramis are extremely hardy fish that will fall ill only if subjected to stress or various diseases. If you notice that your dwarf gourami has become lethargic and refuses to eat, you should immediately check up on the quality of your tank’s water.

Poor water quality is often the cause of stress in fish, and once it starts, it can easily lead to disease. Make sure that your aquarium filter is functioning properly and that there are no ammonia or nitrite spikes in the water.

You should also keep an eye out for fin rot and tail rot, which are extremely common among dwarf gouramis. If your fish starts developing red streaks or patches near his fins or tail, it’s time to do a full tank cleaning.

There is no “cure” for fin rot and tail rot, but you can help your dwarf gourami heal by making sure that the water is clean and that there’s plenty of oxygen in the tank (by performing frequent water changes).

Last Words

Dwarf gourami breeding is extremely easy to do, even for beginners. If you’re interested in breeding dwarf gouramis, just remember that the most important part of raising your baby dwarf gouramis is keeping the water clean!

If you have any more questions about caring for dwarf gouramis or breeding dwarf gouramis, post in the comments below!