Is Dwarf Gourami Disease Contagious to Other Fish? [Explain]

It’s no secret that Dwarf Gourami Disease (DGD) is a major threat to the gourami family. But did you know that this virus can also infect other fish in your tank? In this post, we’ll take a closer look at DGD and explain why it’s so important to take precautions against it.

We’ll also explore some of the signs and symptoms of this disease, so you can identify it if your fish becomes infected. By taking steps to prevent DGD, you can help keep your aquarium healthy and thriving!

What is Dwarf Gourami Disease?

As its name implies, Dwarf Gourami Disease is a virus that affects only gouramis. In fact, there are three forms of this disease:

DGD1 causes external symptoms such as clamped fins and scales. DGD2 causes internal symptoms such as weight loss and lethargy. DGD3 causes internal and external symptoms, including inflamed gills. The most common form of Dwarf Gourami Disease is DGD1, which typically results in the death of your fish within a few weeks.

As if losing a pet wasn’t bad enough, it’s estimated that over 50% of Dwarf Gouramis in the home aquarium have this disease. That’s a pretty scary statistic!

Dwarf Gourami Disease Symptoms and Treatment

If your gouramis start showing signs of Dwarf Gourami Disease, it’s important to move them into a separate tank right away. This will prevent other fish from being exposed to the virus. In fact, it’s best to move all the fish in your tank into another one.

No way to treat Dwarf Gourami Disease exists yet. So, this is almost like fighting a losing battle. With that said, you can take steps to prevent DGD from occurring by preventing stress in your aquarium.

Be sure to provide optimal water conditions and tank mates. And, if you’re having trouble with disease prevention in your aquarium, consider investing in an ultraviolet sterilizer for your tank.

How Can I Tell If My Other Fish Have Dwarf Gourami Disease?

Since the virus is contagious, it’s also possible for other fish to show symptoms of Dwarf Gourami Disease. These symptoms will vary slightly depending on the form of DGD that’s affecting your fish.

With that in mind, here’s a list of possible signs and symptoms:

  • Lethargy.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Fins clamped to the body.
  • Skin exudes mucus.

As you can see, these are all similar to what you might observe with the gouramis in your tank.

If you notice these symptoms, it’s important to quickly move your fish into a clean and healthy environment. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for Dwarf Gourami Disease yet. However, if you take preventative steps such as maintaining optimal water conditions and providing stress-free living conditions, your fish are much less likely to get sick.

We hope this gives you a better understanding of Dwarf Gourami Disease. Please let us know if you have any questions in the comments section below!