Are Three Spot Gourami Aggressive? (How To Stop Them?)

Three spot gouramis are a popular fish for aquariums, but are they aggressive? Some people say that they can be quite territorial and will attack other fish in the tank. Others say that they are peaceful and make great additions to any tank. So, which is it? Are three spot gouramis aggressive or peaceful? Read on to find out!

Are Three Spot Gourami Aggressive?

Three spot gouramis are peaceful fish. They will not attack other species of fish in the tank, provided that there is enough room for each fish to have its own territory. Three spot gouramis can get rather territorial during mating periods, but they rarely hurt another fish while doing so. And as long as the tank is big enough, they should not bother your other fish. They are also very peaceful with one another.

How do you stop Gouramis from being aggressive?

To stop three spot gouramis from becoming aggressive, make sure that they are in a large tank with lots of plants and hiding places. Three spot gouramis will be much less likely to become aggressive if they feel secure in their environment. Also, be sure to have only one male in the tank. If you keep more than one male, they are likely to become aggressive towards each other.

Three Spot Gourami Aggression

Three spot gouramis can get territorial when mating or protecting their eggs. Females may also get a bit defensive of their fry. However, they do not typically hurt other fish when they are being territorial. If you have a very small tank, it is best to get only one male because the males may get aggressive towards each other if there are multiple males in the same tank.

Aquarium Size

As mentioned above, three spot gouramis should be kept in a large tank, preferably one with soft water and lots of plants. The tank should have at least 20 gallons of space for each three spot gourami. If you keep your three spot gouramis in a smaller tank without much territory or hiding places, they will become aggressive towards other fish or even other three spot gouramis.

What tank mates can I have with my gouramis?

Three spot gouramis make good tank mates for many types of fish, including most other species of freshwater fish. However, it is not recommended to keep three spot gouramis with bettas.

Bettas are known for being nippy and fin-nipping, which may stress out the three spot gourami or cause the gourami to be fin-nipped. Also, do not keep three spot gouramis with any fish that can nip at their long fins.

Some good tank mates include: Danios, platies, and other small peaceful fish that stay below 4 inches long. Cory cats or tetras are also a good choice.

If you do not have a big enough tank to keep these species with your three spot gouramis, they would still make great additions to the tank as long as they are not fin-nippers. They can also be kept with other, larger fish species as long as the bigger species eats a different food from the three spot gouramis.

Always research any species that you want to add to your tank before buying them so that you know how big it will get and what its diet is like.

What fish should I avoid keeping with my Gourami?

Some fish are just not compatible with gouramis. These include bettas, goldfish, and any other species that have long fins or nip at the long fins of gouramis.

Three spot gourami are peaceful fish that share many characteristics with bettas. They can even breathe air from the surface!

However, gouramis tend to be much more territorial than bettas. For these reasons, it is best not to keep three spot gouramis with bettas.

Final Thoughts

Three spot gouramis are great fish to keep in a community tank with other fish. They are sure to look beautiful and behave well in the tank, but make sure that you provide them with enough territory for all of the gouramis.

If you find that your three spot gourami is nipping or fin-nipping your other fish, add some more plants to the tank or try moving the gourami into a separate tank. Three spot gouramis are lovely animals that will add beauty and peace to any home with the proper tank size.